Jason Weil Artist


Throughout my entire art career the one element that has persisted in my art through different medium and stylistic explorations is “time vs. change”.  Through the use of elaborate textures and a developed hierarchy of symbols, I explore the fragile balance between nature and mankind’s manifestations as well as contemporary society’s erosion of traditional world cultures. My paintings are rich with layers and a variety of textures that have the visceral feel of the age we live in. One reviewer has described my work at once as “gritty, urban, and elegant”.



I was born (1963) and raised in Los Angeles, CA. I was indoctrinated into the world of art and architecture by my paternal grandmother who exposed me to world class museums and architectural sites from a very young age. I was inspired to pursue an education in architecture at 13. In 1986 I graduated from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo with a bachelors of architecture degree. After graduation from architecture school I spent seven months traveling around the world furthering my education in the art and architectural worlds by visiting as many of the world renown buildings and art museums that I could see, as well as absorbing as much of the cultures of Europe, N. Africa, and Asia. In 1987, I spent some time working in India documenting a large archeological site. Upon my return to the U.S., I was hired by Universal Studios to design architecture, but soon found myself designing sets for television and film.  In 2005 after an 18 year career designing sets for motion pictures and television in the Los Angeles area I moved to Asheville, NC and started a residential design firm. My residential design firm, Retro+Fit Design has produced award winning residential architecture for nearly 19 years. Throughout my adult life I have worked in creative fields, however, I have always felt it was necessary to continue with my individual artwork.

 I have always considered travel essential in having an understanding of world cultures and what my place in this world is. Travel has had an important impact in the body of my work. As well as traveling throughout the world, I lived and worked in France, India, and Canada.